Tags :cn1


SRS Advogados promotes 12 lawyers

As Iberian Lawyer can anticipate SRS Advogados promoted 12 of its lawyers as part of the firm’s commitment to younger generations. Marco Garrinhas (Corporate & Finance) and Pedro Pinto Melo (Dispute Resolution) were promoted to


Launch of Direito Mental association

Direito Mental, an association entirely dedicated to the promotion of mental health among the Portuguese legal community – lawyers, magistrates, jurists, law students, business support teams and their families, has officially been launched. Direito Mental began


Iberian Energy, finalists announced

Iberian Lawyer’s Energy Awards 2022 will take place in Madrid on 22th June. Iberian Lawyer is delighted to reveal the finalists. In order to access the full list of law firms and lawyers that made


New incorporation at Sagardoy

The former partner in charge of labour law at PwC, Marc Carrera (pictured), has joined the spanish firm, Sagardoy, as a new partner. Carrera holds a degree in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University in