Cases & Lacambra has advised Ameris Capital -a Chilean fund manager with presence in Chile, Mexico, United States, Spain and Colombia- in its first investment in Spain, consisting of a joint venture with the Spanish
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Cases & Lacambra has hired Alberto Artamendi, from Uría Menéndez, as new counsel in its tax practice in the Barcelona office. This incorporation means “strengthening a key area, continuing to grow and providing
The Italian group MSA Mizar, the leading provider of outsourced insurance claims management services, has finalized the acquisition of Veta+, an independent market leader in property insurance outsourcing in Spain with over 30 years of experience,
Cases & Lacambra incorporates Carlos Ripollés, until now co-founder and CEO in Latam of Meeting Lawyers, as a partner in its Miami office to strengthen ties with the Latin American market and consolidate the
Cases & Lacambra, legal advisor in Spain for KIG Limited (Kee Safety Group), a global provider of fall protection and safe access products, services and training, has advised the group on the acquisition of Garsan
Cases & Lacambra has advised Amplifón Ibérica – a subsidiary of the Italian group dedicated to hearing correction – in the acquisition of the network of 31 hearing centers of the Malaga-based company Centros Auditivos OirT,
Cases & Lacambra has advised the majority shareholder on the formation of a joint venture for the opening and operation of Krispy Kreme shops in Spain, together with its minority shareholder, a Krispy Kreme group
Cases & Lacambra has launched its Business Criminal, Compliance and Corporate Investigations practice with the signing of Oscar Morales, head of Uría Menéndez’s criminal practice in Barcelona for almost two decades. He
Cases & Lacambra has advised J.C. Marlin Capital on the €32 million debt acquisition of the Mercury Hotel from Kempner Capital Management. The Mercury Hotel is an emblematic four-star superior hotel located in the city
Cases & Lacambra, who has announced a few days ago the incorporation of Fernando Cerdá to the firm, signs up a new recruit, the State Lawyer Raquel Frías Rivera, who will join the team