DLA Piper has advised the Spain based telecommunication carrier, Adamo Telecom Iberia, on the acquisitions of fiber optics businesses from different telecommunication companies: Conred Comunicaciones, Wifiblaster and Wifilinks. The three of them are Spain-based firms
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Cuatrecasas has advised the Spain-based tax consultancy firm, Gestion Tributaria Territorial (GTT), on the acquisition of GADD-Grupo Meana. GADD is a global software solutions’ company that operates in several countries around the world. In Spain,
Electricite de France EDF, the France based producer and distributor of electricity, has acquired through its subsidiary Edison, a stake in Sistrol, the Spain based software-computer digital company specialized in energy services for the tertiary
Cuatrecasas has advised Bauer Media Group, Europe’s leading commercial radio operator, on completing the acquisition of Media Capital Rádios. Announced on 8 June 2022, the completion of this acquisition marks Bauer Media Audio’s entrance
CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo (CMS Spain) has advised Bluegem on the acquisition of the Foodbox restaurant group (Volapié, Santa Gloria, MasQMenos, Papizza and L’Obrador), owned by Spanish private equity firm
RSM has advised Grupo Affidea on the acquisition of Clínica Tecma, a leading provider of diagnostic imaging and ambulatory care in Valencia. RSM has been involved in the entire process, carrying out the financial,
RocaJunyent has advised Colonial, a Spanish real estate company, on the sale of two office buildings to Ibervalles, socimi of the Isidro family, for an undisclosed amount. The two buildings are located in Madrid and
Clifford Chance has announced today the appointment of Ildelfonso Alier as partner in its Funds & Investment Management team. Ildefonso joins 32 partners across Clifford Chance’s offices in Spain, Luxembourg, the UK, France, Germany, Italy,
The spanish law firm, Monedero Gil & Abogados y Asesores Financieros, has hired Juan Carlos Alfonso (pictured left), secretary general of AENA, as new of counsel for corporate governance and ESG matters. The firm headed
Pérez-Llorca has advised Santa Lucia SA Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros, the Spain based life and health insurance company, on the 50% acquisition of CCM Vida y Pensiones Seguros y Reaseguros SA, the local life