Informe Claves jurídicas de los consejeros ejecutivos de las sociedades mercantiles, de BDO Abogados... This content is for members only.Login Join Now
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Information is the driving force behind every business. Over the course of the last 20 years, the information landscape has transformed beyond all recognition. Our research also found that most organizations lack the required skills, technical
Los hábitos de contratación pública han cambiado radicalmente, ahora se impone el “fair-play” y eso arrastrará a muchos por el camino. ¿Son conscientes los responsables de compliance de los “malos hábitos”
At a time when the theft of customer information often leads to executive-level shake-ups, boards are taking a greater role in evaluating the adequacy of their organisations’ cybersecurity, according to digital board solution provider Diligent....
As your business deals with an ever growing amount of information, so your obligation to retain or securely dispose of records also increases.... This content is for members only.Login Join Now
Records and Information Management: Getting It Right FromThe Start. Successful records and information management lets you plan, organise and take control of your organisation’s physical and digital records from creation, through active use, to
The new Spanish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies, approved by resolution of the board of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) on 18 February 2015, dispenses with the recommendations that currently are legal rules, retains other
On 4 December, 2014, the Spanish Official State Gazette published Ley 31/2014, de 3 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley de Sociedades de Capital para la mejora del gobierno corporativo (the LSC Reform Act) which amends
Companies may be better served if they give responsibility for data-protection to more practically minded employees, such as IT professionals... This content is for members only.Login Join Now
File-sharing services, if done right, can streamline collaboration, increase information security and ensure that the right tools are being used in the workplace... This content is for members only.Login Join Now