SA&C secures compensation for Renaissance art discoverer

Serrano Alberca & Conde has represented an Andalusian claimant that found a Renaissance façade behind his house walls on securing government compensation

The High Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) has declared the right of a homeowner who discovered by chance a Renaissance façade behind the walls of his house, to receive the legal prize corresponding to this finding. In this way, the prior ruling which the Andalusian Regional Government rejected the request for his right to a prize for a chance discovery for the discovery of a Renaissance façade of historical and artistic value inside a house belonging to him, is left without effect.

The finding corresponds to the façade of the old San Jorge hospital, also known as the Santísimo Sacramento or Pero Almindes. According to its discoverer, it was built by Renaissance architect Andrés de Vandelvira, in charge of the most important buildings in Úbeda and Baeza, which led to its declaration as a World Heritage Site, in addition to other monuments located in different parts of the province.

According to the Spanish Law on Historical Heritage, these chance findings entitle the discoverer to receive a cash prize or reward from the regional department of Culture, amounting to half of the value attributed to the found objects. In this case, the claimant is entitled to half of the value of the art discovered inside his house and 25 per cent of that belonging to the adjacent property.

The claimant, Juan Francisco León Catena (pictured bottom with the discovery) was represented by Madrid-based law firm Serrano Alberca & Conde, with a team led by partner Manuel Serrano Conde (pictured top).

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