
New rules on combating abusive tax planning – Vieira de

The enactment in May 2008 of new antiabusive tax planning legislation establishes enhanced communication, information and clarification duties towards the Portuguese tax authorities, says Tiago Marreiros Moreira, tax partner at Vieira de Almeida & Associados.... This content


Energy & Renewables Report 2008: Filling the energy gap

Iberian Lawyer’s Annual Energy and Renewables Special Report 2008 reveals a legal market full of confidence. Although the wider economy may be slowing, energy clients continue to offer law firms opportunities, reflecting Iberia’s position


Energy markets still in unrest – Garayar Asociados

Despite efforts to liberalise Spain’s energy markets since 1997, first through the enactment of the Electricity Act and a year later the Gas & Oil Bill, the situation nonetheless remains unsettled, says Emiliano Garayar at Garayar