Authorities placing increasing importance on business structures... This content is for members only.Login Join Now
The enactment in May 2008 of new antiabusive tax planning legislation establishes enhanced communication, information and clarification duties towards the Portuguese tax authorities, says Tiago Marreiros Moreira, tax partner at Vieira de Almeida & Associados.... This content
The international growth of Spanish companies has brought for many an entirely new set of tax considerations, say Federico Linares and José Luis Gonzalo at Ernst & Young Abogados.... This content is for members only.Login
A significant knock on effect of the economic crisis that has so deeply affected Spain´s real estate and construction business sectors is the continuing ability of the lending financial institutions to maintain liquidity and
Portuguese tax legislation may be broadly aligned to the prevailing European Union (EU) regulation but significant differences remain, says Antonio Moura Portugal, tax partner at ABBC.... This content is for members only.Login Join Now
Iberian Lawyer’s Annual Energy and Renewables Special Report 2008 reveals a legal market full of confidence. Although the wider economy may be slowing, energy clients continue to offer law firms opportunities, reflecting Iberia’s position
Despite efforts to liberalise Spain’s energy markets since 1997, first through the enactment of the Electricity Act and a year later the Gas & Oil Bill, the situation nonetheless remains unsettled, says Emiliano Garayar at Garayar
Spain’s solar industry may be well established with a considerable body of best practice, but the sector remains one in which a solid understanding of the applicable regulatory regime is significant – particularly in the
For companies looking for outside investment or even to sell assets, environmental behaviour is now significant in terms of reputation and risk assessment and even valuation, says Claudio Monteiro, partner at Lisbon’s Serra Lopes
Spain’s solar power sector is a world leader and one in which there is continuing transactional activity as operators and investors seek to acquire assets, technology and expertise, says Juan Ignacio González Ruiz,