Integreon allies with Samaniego Law to launch in Spain

This alliance will allow a further integration to take place in which Samaniego will operate with Integreon’s technology and solutions in Spain

As the firm has announced in its official networks, Samaniego Law will join forces with Integreon to provide Legal and Digital transformation services.

Once the integration Samaniego Law – Integreon is completed, the firm will count on its technology and will operate with Integreon’s solutions in Spain. Samaniego Law is one of the first Alternative Legal Services Providers in Europe, founded in 2017 by Javier Fernández-Samaniego.

“At Samaniego Law, we are very glad to announce today that we join forces with Integreon to deliver legal #digitaltransformation services for Spanish-speaking clients. Our strategic partnership with Integreon, a leading global #managedserviceprovider, enables us to support the digital transformation of Corporate Legal departments in Europe and Latin America. Thanks to this alliance, we shall be able to give our clients the top legal advice combined with cost-effective process and efficiency gains,” the firm stated.

Integreon is a global provider of legal solutions for law firms, corporations and professional services firms. Its more than 4,000 employees worldwide and operating centres in the US, UK, India and the Philippines include Six-Sigma process engineers, contract management specialists, technology implementation and robotic process automation and artificial intelligence programmers. Its presence in Europe is focused on the UK, which is outside the Samaniego deal. This firm, which plans to keep its name, wants to reach a structure of 100 professionals.


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