How Francisco and his newly built team blend tradition and modernity with teamwork, technology, and a human touch
Tags :Uría Menéndez
HBX Group has successfully gone public on the Spanish stock exchanges, marking the largest IPO in Europe this year and the first listing of a British company in Spain since Brexit. The transaction, valued at
Ashurst has advised Citibank and a syndicate of banks under Spanish law on the financing granted to Kinematics for the acquisition of P4Q, a Spain-based company specializing in solar tracker controllers. The $163 million transaction
Uría Menéndez has announced the promotion of Abel Baselga Castells and Alba Pérez Canet, José Martín-Fayos and Alejandre Pedral Sampaio to counsel, in line with its commitment to the professional development
Uría Menéndez advised Hyperion Renewables on financing for a photovoltaic plant, with funding provided by Santander Totta, advised by PLMJ
Manuel Echenique Sanjurjo speaks exclusively to Iberian Lawyer about the market and Uría Menéndez’s success
Uría Menéndez advised Frux Capital on the refinancing of four retail parks managed by Fundbox. Cuatrecasas was on the fund's side
In 2024, the Portuguese transactional market witnessed 602 deals, with a total value of €12.6 billion, states the lastest TTR Data report
On its newly launched website, the firm introduces its team, consisting of seven partners and seven associates who transits from other firms
Ferreira, whose practice focuses on real estate, corporate law, acquisition financing, and restructuring operations, joined the firm in 2005