In the current climate there is even greater need for regulatory issues to be looked at from a commercial perspective, says José Luís Esquível, principal of niche Lisbon firm Esquível Advogados.
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The media sector is undergoing structural change and this means a greater need to fine-tune the competition law policy affecting it
Portugal’s Autoridade da Concorrencia (AdC) has faced the financial crisis with a policy that there should be no deviation from strong competition enforcement and advocacy, says its President Manuel Sebastião.
There is a communication problem with the Portuguese competition authority, say some. You cannot have a public body making secret decisions
In the current business climate the continued rigid application of competition law rules can play a vital role in helping to encourage economic recovery
Competition lawyers across Iberia agree that the financial crisis has had a clear impact on the type of work they are now seeing, but equally significant has been the increasing confidence and remit of national
Since its creation in 2007, Spain’s Comisión Nacional de la Competencia (CNC) has had evident success in raising not only the public awareness of competition issues but also thestakes for companies engaged in anti-competitive
This year will see changes to Portugal’s Competition Act that may impact merger control, notification and judicial review, says Nuno Ruiz, Head of EU & Competition at Vieira de Almeida
The Spanish Competition Authority’s market reports are challenging the way businesses operate but are also prompting debate around their compilation
The financial downturn has significantly affected public procurement procedures in Portugal, says José Luís Esquível of Lisbon public law boutique Esquível Advogados, with pressure on contractual and legislative frameworks and demand for