With both domestic and cross border disputes on the rise, the increasing cost of litigation and a huge judicial backlog, Spain and Portugal are beginning to properly explore the benefits of ADR. But while both
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Peru has a well-established body of domestic arbitration institutions and is increasingly seen as a preferred seat for regional disputes, says Carlos Soto, Head of International Arbitration at Peru’s Muñiz, Ramírez, Pé
With the economic downturn, litigation is on the rise, but parties are now much more reluctant to find surprises along the way
Investment banks have been engulfed by claims of financial mis-selling and interest rate fixing, as investors see their securities portfolios slump on the back of high risk, speculative products
Almost a year since Portugal brought in new arbitration laws, the overall feedback from the disputes market has been positive
Madrid’s Court hopes to move forwards, with the recent introduction of new initiatives and novel technological solutions, and a two-step strategy to internationalise and become full-service.
In a downturn it is law firms’ litigators and arbitrators that become the stars, goes conventional thinking. A drop in transactional activity may be matched, or even exceeded, by a rise in disputes. There has
In difficult economic times, mediation offers many advantages to parties facing a dispute, says Thomas Gaultier, Of Counsel at Abreu Advogados and Co-Founder of the firm’s innovative Mediation Centre.
The nature of corporate fraud may have changed since the onset of the financial crisis but the need to remain vigilant has not, with “digital evidence” now a key tool in uncovering offenders