Tags :cat-compliance
Many clients are worried about facing criminal prosecution for non-compliance, consequently they are turning to their legal advisers in order to allay their fears
Many companies could improve their compliance procedures by outsourcing the management of reporting channels to external parties, says Begoña Fernández, partner at Deloitte Legal.
Many Portuguese companies remain unconvinced of the need for compliance programmes due to the fact it is not mandatory under Portuguese law, says Henrique Salinas, partner at CCA Ontier in Lisbon.
Companies should have an integrated compliance programme in place as it is costly, and problematic from a management perspective, to have numerous policies
Lawyers have a role to play in ensuring clients adopt a culture of business ethics rather than merely taking steps to avoid criminal offences
The ‘Me Too’ movement has raised awareness of sexual harassment and has prompted companies and their senior management to pay closer attention to the problem
Even some of Iberia’s biggest businesses are still not properly addressing the issue of compliance, yet lawyers sometimes face the challenge of convincing them that their reputation could be at risk – meanwhile, doubts persist
The penalties for non-compliance are becoming more severe as the Portuguese government increases efforts to tackle corruption