Roca Junyent allies with BMyV

Roca Junyent has joined with BMyV, a society of law firms formed by Gaona y Rozados Abogados, IparBilbao Abogados, Sanz-Lomana Puras y Asociados, Hernando Lara Abogados and Silvia Giménez-Salinas Abogados

Roca Junyent has signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of expanding their presence and services in Spain. This strategic union will allow Roca Junyent, which until now had two offices in Madrid and Barcelona, to have subsidiaries in other cities in the country.

This is a collaboration and planning agreement for the future integration of these offices.

The firms of BMyV Abogados currently have 27 partners and a total of 54 professionals, who join the Roca Junyent team, made up of more than 200 professionals.

(Pictured: Joan Roca, executive president and partner of Roca Junyent)

Juan fernandez