Portugal news coverage: PLMJ ahead of the curve 

The latest report published by the platform CARMA reveals that PLMJ, followed by VdA, proved to be the legal sector’s brand with the largest volume of articles published in the Portuguese media

PLMJ, VdA, Abreu Advogados, Linklaters, Morais Leitão and Cuatrecasas were among the most visible law firms in the Portuguese media during the first quarter of 2021. This is according to the Dubai-based multinational platform CARMA, which specialises in Media Intelligence and Media Information Analysis. It has just published its most recent report on the most media visible Law Firms in Portugal during the 1st quarter of 2021. The CARMA Report monitored all law firms in Portugal and revealed this ranking broken down in terms of a percentage of shared voice:

1. PLMJ – 25% 
2. VdA (Vieira de Almeida) – 16%
3. Abreu Advogados – 10%
4. Linklaters – 10%
5. MLGTS (Morais Leitão) – 9%
6. Cuatrecasas – 8%
7. CMS-RPA (CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut) – 6%
8. UM-PC (Uría Menéndez – Proença de Carvalho) – 5%
9. Sérvulo & Associados – 5%
10. SRS Advogados – 5%

In an extremely competitive sector, law firms are increasingly communicating about their various areas of practice.

Other results of this report, in terms of the main stories reported in the media, reached a number of conclusions. In the first quarter of the year, the theme COVID-19 continued to dominate in all sectors of the economy. The government support for families and companies, and legislation that the regulators were the subject of analysis and opinions of different law firms and the reopening of media court cases Football Leaks / Luanda Leaks, involving the hacker Rui Pinto, became again the media spotlight for companies and brought more media coverage to PLMJ and Linklaters. 

The managing director of CARMA in Portugal & Africa, Luís Garcia said: “There has been a great growth in the legal market in Portugal and a bet by large firms on working on their communication and reputation, leveraging the development of their businesses.”

Michael Heron