The Portuguese Government has adopted Decree-Law No 157/2014, of 24 October, which establishes a new national legal framework for credit institutions. This new Act amounts to an important and far-reaching revision of the existing rules for financial activities in Portugal, including revising the Portuguese Securities Code, which regulates the capital markets…. This content is for...
The recent outburst of mis-selling claims filed by financial products consumers against banks due to deceptive sale of certain financial products represents an important legacy of the global financial crisis. This litigation increase has taken
The current crisis that Europe and Portugal are facing is not only the result of macroeconomic changes, but also a consequence of long time wrongful social and economic choices. The Portuguese structural difficulties, mainly in
As is widely known, Spanish and Portuguese lending institutions are facing a severe liquidity crisis. Unfortunately, this is occurring at a time when an enormous amount of corporate debt is maturing.... This content is
The European Parliament and Council have finally approved the common rules on short selling and credit default swaps: Regulation (EU) No 236/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 14th, 2012.... This content is
Since 2008, financial regulation is materially affecting banking sector globally, and Spain is not isolated from this trend.... This content is for members only.Login Join Now
The Spanish Government has now announced the timetable and concession framework for the privatisation of Spain’s two largest airports, Madrid Barajas and Barcelona El Prat.The airports operator AENA Aeropuertos (Aena) is now set
The Spanish securities supervisor (CNMV) has recently published new regulations on reporting obligations of Foreign Collective Investment Institutions aimed at implementing on time the product passport rules of UCITS IV, which enters into force July 1
The enactment of a new Foreign Private Investment Law in Angola in May has introduced significant reforms to the investor regime, including raising the minimum thresholds in order to benefit from specific custom, tax and
New regulation affecting Spain’s savings banks (cajas) may present institutions with short-term challenges but offers investors with new sector opportunities... This content is for members only.Login Join Now