Bové Montero doubles its turnover in five years to €13m
The Spanish professional services firm Bové Montero y Asociados, chaired by José María Bové, closed the 2023-2024 fiscal year with a turnover of €13 million, a year-on-year growth of 9.1% and double the volume recorded five years ago, when revenues reached €6.6 million.
The company’s president, José María Bové, attributes this progress to a strategy based on organic growth, with a strong push into IT consulting and artificial intelligence. “It places us as a very advanced firm from the technological point of view, a feature that will continue to evolve in the future because it is an open, dynamic and permeable process to innovations that result in a better service,” said Bové.
Growth strategy
The recruitment of talent, the digitalization of processes and the focus on international taxation have been key pillars in the firm’s growth. In addition, the focus on foreign clients, with the recent opening to the Chinese market, and the growing interest in sustainability, driven by new regulations, reinforce the performance of the strategic plan.
A workforce of 25 nationalities: talent and diversity
With offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Seville and Valencia, Bové Montero has a staff of 160 professionals from 25 different nationalities. This approach allows Bové Montero to effectively advise international companies operating in Spain and to support Spanish investments abroad. The firm has a fully consolidated German Desk and French Desk which, with 56 and 54 members, respectively, operate in the five offices.
Leading HLB in Spain
Bové Montero y Asociados leads in Spain the global network of auditors and advisors HLB International, which grew 23% globally and is ranked eighth in the International Accounting Bulletin’s world ranking. This year, HLB received the “Network of the Year 2024” award from the International Accounting Forum and Awards.
“We have been a member of HLB for more than 35 years. It is a very stable network and attracts very relevant firms from other international organizations and groups. We are very satisfied with the evolution of the network both in Spain and internationally, especially because of the synergies that are established between the different members and that allow us to offer services based on the in-depth knowledge of each jurisdiction and geography,” says José María Bové.