Sérvulo advises Porto Metropolitan Area on mobility matter

Sérvulo & Associados provided legal counsel to the Porto Metropolitan Area throughout the process of establishing a metropolitan mobility and transport company. The public deed for the incorporation of the new company, TMP – Porto Metropolitan Transport, was signed today, January 13.

The establishment of metropolitan mobility and transport companies is provided for under Decree-Law No. 121/2019 of August 22, which sets out the framework for creating such entities in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto. This legislation empowers metropolitan areas to form companies specifically focused on mobility and transport services.

Sérvulo assembled a multidisciplinary team for this project, including Sofia Carreiro, partner and head of the corporate and M&A department; Mark Kirkby and Ana Graça Remondes, partner and consultant from the public law department; and Margarida Costa Gomes, consultant from the labor department (all pictured clockwise, starting from Sofia Carreiro).

Glória Paiva