Selier towards eight million euros
After exceeding its initial objectives, Selier Abogados is preparing an ambitious strategic plan 2025-2029, with clear goals: economic growth, geographic expansion, integration of new practice areas and advances in technology and internationalization
by julia gil
Selier Abogados has fulfilled the plan outlined at its founding, consolidating its position as a benchmark firm with a team that has grown from six to 40 professionals and a turnover that already exceeds three million euros. Now, Pilar Jaquete, managing partner, and Jorge Molinero, CEO, present a new strategic plan 2025-2029 that is committed to opening offices outside Madrid, integrating new practice areas and strengthening its international presence. A combination of innovation, sustainability and talent attraction that sets the path to reach eight million euros in turnover by 2029.
Have you fulfilled the previous plan, and what is the biggest milestone achieved with the previous plan?
Pilar Jaquete (P.J): We are delighted because when Selier was born, all we did was dream. We drew up a very ambitious plan, to position ourselves as a benchmark firm among the leading law firms of reference in business law. We knew it was a difficult challenge, but we were convinced that we could achieve it by providing a different service. The goal was to surpass the three million euro turnover barrier in five years, and we have achieved it. In addition, we wanted to build a prestigious team, recruiting top-level managing partners, and we have achieved this with a management committee that works differently from other law firms. We have also opened this office, which we are already outgrowing, going from six lawyers at the beginning to a team of 40 people between lawyers and professionals. It is incredible to see that everything we dreamed of has become a reality.
What is the vision for 2025-2029, and what specific goals are you looking to achieve by the end of the strategic plan?
P.J: We aim to continue to grow in turnover, reaching eight million euros. We know this is an ambitious challenge, but we believe it is achievable with the action plans we have designed. In addition, we are looking to expand our geographical presence by opening offices outside Madrid, with Barcelona being our first bet. We already have clients there and our teams travel there to work. Therefore, we want to establish an office this year or next year, through a merger or integration of a local firm that shares our values and quality standards.
Jorge Molinero (J.M): Another important focus is to expand our practice areas, analyzing which ones to incorporate and in what order. We have already worked on decision matrices and will continue to develop them as a team. We also want to grow internationally, promoting an international network of law firms similar to Selier or participating in one of the existing ones. Initially in Europe, especially in the management of international movements of companies and employees. We are now working on development. For this purpose, we have drawn up 11 action plans designed as a team, with the participation of lawyers, partners and managers from different areas, while maintaining our culture.
What changes do you plan to implement in the service offering and what are the priority areas in this new roadmap?