Ecija advises in the creation of a joint venture between Transfourment Ibérica and Nudisco
Ecija has advised Transgourmet Ibérica, a benchmark in the distribution to the hotel and catering and proximity supermarket sector, in the due diligence process and in the agreement for the creation of a joint venture with Nudisco, dedicated to the commercialization of canned food, with the aim of boosting its proximity supermarket business in the Levante area.
This new company, 50% owned by each of the partners, will include 33 supermarkets currently owned by Nudisco: 19 under the Kuups banner, 12 Economy Cash and 2 Vidal. These establishments have a total staff of 356 people and a sales area of approximately 20,000 m2.
The project, which has been led by Leticia Domínguez and Patricia Liñan, partners of the commercial and competition area of Ecija Madrid, has been supported by Carmen Ciurana and Jaime Torres, senior associates and Ana Portero, associate.