Cerejeira Namora, Marinho Falcão advised Morais, Oliveira & Maia on a demerger and sale operation

Cerejeira Namora, Marinho Falcão advised Morais, Oliveira & Maia, a leading Portuguese company in the sector, operating in Porto since 1955, on the demerger and sale of the business of importing and selling hardware, tools and menage products to Hogser and Ludiversos.

The advisory services covered the entire demerger process, from the preliminary phase of advising the sellers on the legal due diligence carried out by the buyer, to the preparation, negotiation and finalization of the transaction documentation for the sale of all the shareholdings.

The firms team that advised was coordinated by partner Pedro Marinho Falcão and included the support of lawyers Pedro Dias Azevedo and Marta Outeiro Correia.

Julia Gil