As the year of 2016 is coming to an end, there is an interesting melting pot of draft legal frameworks and circumstances in Portugal that call for renewed focus on the advantages of competition law compliance.
On 23 June the British will have their say on whether or not to remain in the European Union (“EU”). In the event the referendum is won by the leave camp and the UK withdraws from
On 8 June, 2015, the Spanish National Appellate Court gave its judgment on the Spanish Dell case confirming the conclusion reached in the prior Decision delivered by the Spanish Central Tax Tribunal (TEAC), that the activities of
Portugal has recently introduced changes in the rules applying both to restrictive and to unfair trade practices. The first amendments to the Restrictive Trade Practices Act were published on 8 October, 2015 (Decree-Law 220/2015) and came into force
At the end of 2014, reinforced powers belonging to the Portuguese Competition Authority were applied for the first time in relation to two high profile cases. The first one concerned Sport TV Portugal and the broadcasting
The European Commission has granted temporary approval, under EU state aid rules, to the recapitalisations of NCG Banco, Catalunya Banc and Unnim Banc by the Fondo de Reestructuración Ordenada Bancaria (“FROB”). All three banks
The Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the Portuguese State and the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission (the troika) sets forth a range of goals and measures that must
The enforcement of competition law in Spain has experienced important changes during the last two and a half years. A new Act (Act 15/2007, on Defence of Competition, ADC) entered into force, creating a new Competition