New leadership appointed to ICC competition commission

After the term of Eduardo Maia Cadete, from Morais Leitão (president), Dorothee Serzedelo, L’Oreal, and Ana Rita Andrade, Nestlé (vice presidents), a new board has been elected for the ICC Portugal Competition Commission for the 2025-2026 biennium. Joaquim Caimoto Duarte, from Goméz-Acebo & Pombo, now assumes the presidency, with Sara M. Rodrigues, from Eversheds Sutherland, and Diana Brioso Gonçalves, from CCA Law Firm, as vice presidents (all three pictured from left to right).

“ICC Portugal thanks the outgoing Board for their dedication and excellent work during their term”, states the Portuguese national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

About ICC Portugal

ICC Portugal, the Portuguese delegation of the International Chamber of Commerce is a business association that brings together Portuguese members of the world’s largest business organization, with 45 million members from all sectors and sizes across more than 100 countries.

The competition committee of ICC Portugal, which in recent years has been gaining increasing importance within the Portuguese business and legal communities, is a forum for discussion and the promotion of competition law values. It is composed of representatives from companies and law firms with expertise in this area.

The Competition Committee of ICC Portugal promotes the correct application of national and European Union laws related to these matters, seeking, in this sense, constant dialogue with the competition authority, the judiciary, the Portuguese parliament (Assembleia da República), and other entities. This was the first time that a board was elected by its members, with a highly participated vote.

Glória Paiva